In 2020 (?) Nobel Laurette virologist Luc Montagnier reported Covid-19 was lab made. 

In 2017 the U S Defense Department began funding gain of function research on bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China.

The U S Covid response in the beginning of the pandemic was the worst of any nation in the world, with people claiming to be Americans purposely antimasking and antidistancing.

A 2016 Google Blogger post by a person who identified himself as 'Mark Millman' claimed his father and uncle were secret Nazis who escaped from allied occupied Germany and came to the Bronx in the U S by pretending to be Jewish just after World War 2.

Mark Millman claimed Donald Trump's father was a member of a secret cabal of former nazis living in New York City.

The 2020 Boston super spreader event was perpetrated at a conference organized by the big pharma corporation Biogen.

Biogen created an antiviral Covid drug called Interferon Alfa 2-B...(?) which was sold the the former Nazi defense contractor Merck.

The Nazi Storm Troopers' main warfare tactic was infiltration.

One of the most notorious antimasking - antidistancing events was an attempt by Trump supporters to overthrow the United States of America on January 6th, 2021at the U S Capitol.

These facts showed covid was perpetrated and spread by U S infiltrators, which constitutionally demanded an effective and rapid response to defend and protect the United States of America. (#1)
