onday, November 15, 2021

The Wind in the Rhododendrons

'Songwriter Aaron Kamin talked about the song in a radio interview. He said, "At the time my grandmother's best friend had passed away and she left behind a husband of 50 or more years and I was at the funeral and afterwards I just started thinking of what it would be like to be him and have your whole life change so dramatically and not for the best in a matter of moments. Somebody that you live and grow with and are one with, just to be gone, is crazy and I figured all he ever thinks about probably is finding a way to get back to her or be with her or make sure she’s alright or something like that. That was the sentiment behind that.."[2]'

wiki song

A girl inspired this photo taken across the street from the Bangor International Airport JP fuel tanks around winter, 2015.


She had once told me about a drawing for a drawing class she did where she lay on her back and drew the trees climbing up into the sky with the strange but stunning perspective it creates demonstrated here.

- els vosse fb

She had also told me someone had taken her to some town or city and none of the streets had names...

Pretty sure I found Jackie.

Jackie and I were just friends, but the healing I received from caring about someone else besides myself for a short period, who appeared in a worse situation than me, taught me that that was the cure for - at least my - depression.

- Jackie Gallick Petrou's fb

Agape Love

This Jackie, who is a licensed massage therapist and Reiki Master at the Safety Harbor Spa and Resort, might be the Jacky who accidently created a hurricane after police had kicked her out from the Kmart bench.

Reiki is the power of healing by using love:

She had just been released from an assisted living facility with no money or stuff and left abandoned at Fossil Park, in St Pete, Florida around 2000.

https://tinyurl.com/fx6e98f2 - post link

The Tampa Bay Times:

our librarian became town manager here in van buren, and solved the [homeless] problem while lowering the town mill rate and keeping private enterprise rents from skyrocketing at the same time by putting judy, randy, cody and i in a refurbished tax acquired property funded by hud

our neighbor cody looks and sounds just like negasonic teenage warhead (#aptupdate9)


 So the bible came true for me.

Around 2001 found a white rock in front of the Kmart on 9th St North in St Pete with Hebrew writing I couldn't read.

Presumably the full sized translucent image of Jesus that appeared to my left that said:

 'Keith, that is for the ones who have conquered' 

- could read it though.

Later there were some adults and kids playing what sounded like hide and seek in the woods across the street from the Kmart where i tried to build a small camp for a beautiful, seemingly homeless girl, with Gulf of Mexico pastel emerald colored eyes.

I don't like to be caught in a camp when people come by so when I heard the kids and adults, I bugged out.

When i came back, there was white flour spread in geometric shapes on the path to the camp.

One of the shapes was the Nabisco logo.

Logos Fandom

To the east of the path in the woods there was a cola can with a small metal pipe in the side and I found out it was Danny's, who I once saw walking along the path.

Danny was real, and looked just like the translucent image of Jesus, and he helped me fix a saw that I needed to finish the camp for Jackie.

But Jackie 'disappeared' again, and I was worried something bad had happened to her so I asked for help and a few weeks later heard Jackie on the radio.

She had a really distinctive and graceful lilt to her voice or well, it wasn't really an accent - she said she was from Dunedin.

Now we maybe found out her maiden name is Irish, originating from County Donegal:

- 4 crests

She had called into the Lionel radio program back then (2000/2001) and give him what for about women's reproductive rights and some guy yells at her 'Jackie, shut up !' then grabs the phone from her and says she is his fiance. 

- Sry, didn't like the way he acted toward her on the phone, but at least I knew she was alive and apparently okay.


Earlier, while I was talking to Jackie by the rhododendrons, Galactic Ranger Chuck appeared in my mind's eye and told me Jackie was a Galactic Ranger.

Google Maps 94th Avenue and 9th Street North

There were rhododendrons where the trees, which might be them, are now behind that car wash building on 94th Avenue North in St Pete next to the U-Haul on 9th St North.

- fb

The car wash was built on what was a lovely, empty field with long grass when Jackie lived there.

Before Jackie disappeared for the second time, and just after she had been kicked out from the bench in front of the Kmart by the police, she said to me 'Do you know what we need ? we need a hurricane!' 

I laughed, because the way she said it with her cheerful lilt, made it sound like fun, like maybe there would be a party !

Then that night i heard on the WFLA Radio a hurricane had formed in the Yuccatan Peninsula so I went back to where Jackie stayed by the rhododendrons behind where there is now a car wash and told jackie to be careful what she said and that there was a hurricane coming !

Jackie said 'Oops ! time to disappear !' and she did - i didn't see her again until a few weeks after the hurricane passed over us

- Hurricane Gordon

- poem art fb

Had found the rock early one morning before Kmart had opened in the parking lot in front of the Kmart entrance where the bench had been and always associated the rock with Jackie because of that.

I looked at the rock hard to remember what it looked like, and from what I recall, the word written on it looked like this, except I remember the w like letter having one more arm:

Israel Wiki

I put the rock back down because I had believed I needed to quit smoking to win.

Curiously, I had quit smoking for 3 days in September of 2001, after I met Jackie, but had to go into the Suncoast Center for Mental Health Homeless Outreach Office to get my meds, then on the way back saw the ashtray in the St Pete Times building entrance and grabbed a few shorts and lit up, possibly because the receptionist at the outreach office brought a tv into the office that day because it was 9/11.

many years later found this in revelation:



looky what the nabisco logo means !:

Think I just figured this 2021 photo out.

Back when I knew her in 2000, Jackie told me she had 3 kids, and one of them was her 'premie'.

Another friend from here in Van Buren named Bernadette, was a premature baby and told me when she was a baby they used to put her on the door of the open wood stove to keep her warm, and that her whole family spoiled her and got stuff for her all the time - making her 'picky' as a grown up !

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